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Agios Thomas, Heraklion Prefecture

Agios Thomas is one of the most impressive mountain villages in Crete. It is a unique village with elements from all historical periods, perhaps due to its geographical location. It is a village carved into the rocks. Exceptional examples of carved architecture can be admired in ancient Minoan grape mills, Roman tombs and cavernous temples. Together with the breathtaking rocks, the natural caves, the Byzantine churches and the leafy surroundings, they form an awe-inspiring setting in Crete. It is believed that the ancient Greek city of Pannonia was near that place, and several ruins have been discovered.

Agios Thomas is one of the most remarkable mountain villages in Crete.

The visitors wandering in this authentic place can visit its 37 churches and chapels, the monolithic Roman tombs, the laurel forest, the unique -in Greece- carved temple of St. Joasaph, son of the King of India Abenner, the remains of sanctuary of the Chthonic Deities, perhaps the most important religious center of antiquity in Crete since prehistoric times.

Recommended for hiking tourism, too.

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